December HOA Newsletter

Book Club: The Maid by Nita Prose

Jan 23, 2023

Come enjoy good company and a good discussion of the book, The Maid (description below). Please bring a drink or snack to share.

Molly Gray is not like everyone else. She struggles with social skills and misreads the intentions of others. Her gran used to interpret the world for her, codifying it into simple rules that Molly could live by.

Since Gran died a few months ago, twenty-five-year-old Molly has been navigating life’s complexities all by herself. No matter—she throws herself with gusto into her work as a hotel maid. Her unique character, along with her obsessive love of cleaning and proper etiquette, make her an ideal fit for the job. She delights in donning her crisp uniform each morning, stocking her cart with miniature soaps and bottles, and returning guest rooms at the Regency Grand Hotel to a state of perfection.

But Molly’s orderly life is upended the day she enters the suite of the infamous and wealthy Charles Black, only to find it in a state of disarray and Mr. Black himself dead in his bed. Before she knows what’s happening, Molly’s unusual demeanor has the police targeting her as their lead suspect. She quickly finds herself caught in a web of deception, one she has no idea how to untangle. Fortunately for Molly, friends she never knew she had united with her in a search for clues to what really happened to Mr. Black—but will they be able to find the real killer before it’s too late?

A Clue-like, locked-room mystery and a heartwarming journey of the spirit, The Maid explores what it means to be the same as everyone else and yet entirely different—and reveals that all mysteries can be solved through connection to the human heart.

Lake Renovation Update

The Board has been working to obtain a loan to cover the cost of the repair. We will still need to either do a special assessment to cover the added loan cost or do a special assessment to pay the loan back. The loan is currently approved and we are waiting for the final closing to move forward with the repairs. We will be continuing to seek votes for the special assessment in January. We are currently about 30 votes away from having a majority vote and around 75 households have not voted.

The board plans to once again print and distribute flyers to those 75 households in January. We will include a section that will allow for voting by paper if some are uncomfortable with a digital vote.

The Vote page has been edited to reflect our current plan to use the special assessment to pay back the loan instead of paying the contractor directly. If this changes your vote you can contact to have your vote reset.

These are the steps you will need to do in order to vote.

  1. Register on using this URL:
  2. Wait for your account to be approved and verified as an eligible voter (You will receive an email).
  3. Then go to to cast your household’s vote. You will be asked to log in and then if you have been approved as a voter you will be able to cast your vote.

If you have questions or need support contact

Board Elections

In January the board will start preparing for our annual election of board members. This year we will have 3 seats to fill. The election committee is in the process of getting up and running. We will be looking for at least 3 nominations or volunteers to run for these board seats. The term for a board seat is 2 years. The election will be held in the month of February and the results will be tallied and presented at the annual community-wide meeting on February 20, 2023. The board and the election committee will be utilizing the digital voting system on our website We will have backup paper ballots for anyone that does not want to cast their vote digitally. If you would consider being a candidate for the upcoming election please send your contact information to

Arc Compliance

As a reminder to the community, it is essential to submit a proper ARC Request for any Improvements or changes to your property. Adding a Fence to your property also requires an ARC request. Additionally, the community guidelines detail the allowed stain colors for fences. Residents can find the Fencing Guidelines listed on our Residents page. Residents can submit an ARC request through the AppFolio Portal provided by Elite Housing Management.  Residents should also remember to read the Grand Lake covenants concerning street parking.
Residents can submit an ARC request through the AppFolio Portal provided by Elite Housing Management.

HOA Board Meeting

Our Neighborhood HOA board meets monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. These meetings are open to all homeowners who wish to attend.

To help make sure that all discussion topics are covered, the board asks if you are attending for a specific issue for discussion that you email with a brief description/explanation at least 24 hours before the board meeting so the agenda can be updated and the board can provide time for you to speak about any concerns or issues you are having.

2022 Board Members:

Teddy Schell (President)
Harold Overton (Interim Vice President)
Ela Perry (Treasurer)
Vacant (Secretary)
Sam Hilson (Communication)