July 2023

July HOA Newsletter

4th of July Celebration

The neighborhood will once again host our annual firework show over the lake. The fireworks are scheduled to start at around 8:30 pm. Please note that the neighborhood has obtained special permission for the firework show over the lake. However, this permission does not extend to setting off aerial fireworks or fireworks that create loud bang noises in the rest of the neighborhood legally. If you plan to have any fireworks from your yard or driveway, please be mindful of the surrounding properties and ensure that you follow the guidelines for what is legally allowed for residential fireworks. Here is an article that provides safety guidelines and information about which fireworks are permissible in residential areas.

Covenant Review and Updates

The board recently completed a review with a lawyer of our covenant and by-laws to gain a better understanding of how voting works, how the budgeting and annual dues work, and how we can move forward with providing value to the community. 


One of the major revelations is that the board has been doing the budget and dues incorrectly for some time. The covenant already gives the board the authority to adjust the annual dues each year to fit the budget. The board has been struggling to constantly find a way to cover the cost of operation with the dues as they are set. However, the covenant lays out that each year the board should create a budget that reflects the current cost of operating the HOA and then calculate annual dues to cover that budget. The budget is approved unless opposed during the budget meeting by a majority vote against the budget. To help residents understand the computation clause of the covenant we have added a simplified version of the clause to the HOA website. See Article IV, Section 3: Computation for details. 


Another issue the board has been facing is how to handle amendments to the covenant. One of the main issues we have faced is voter apathy or disinterest in being involved with the association. When discussing how our voting system works with the lawyer, it was pointed out that our covenant uses the term “Total Association Vote” without defining it under the definition section. This means that the board can interpret that meaning and use that interpretation as the standard going forward as long as it is publicized and the community does not oppose the definition presented by the board. Given that information, we have added the Clarification of Covenant Voting section to the board policies page. This section has the definitions that we plan to use for all votes moving forward. We will add a page to the site at a later date to allow for an opposition vote to these definitions before we enact them for any future votes. 

Dues Increase

The board currently plans to create an annual budget at the end of this year that will establish the dues for the next year. the board expects a dues increase based on this year’s increased cost of operation. We believe that it will be in line with the dues increase that we have been seeking to enact this year. That would mean the dues would be somewhere near the $650 level in order to have a sound budget. 

Arc Compliance

As a reminder to the community, it is essential to submit a proper ARC Request for any Improvements or changes to your property. Adding a Fence to your property also requires an ARC request. Additionally, the community guidelines detail the allowed stain colors for fences. Residents can find the Fencing Guidelines listed on our Residents page. Residents can submit an ARC request through the AppFolio Portal provided by Elite Housing Management. Residents should also remember to read the Grand Lake covenants concerning street parking.

HOA Board Meeting

Our Neighborhood HOA board meets monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. These meetings are open to all homeowners who wish to attend.

To help make sure that all discussion topics are covered, the board asks if you are attending for a specific issue for discussion that you email communication@grandlakehoa.com with a brief description/explanation at least 24 hours before the board meeting so the agenda can be updated and the board can provide time for you to speak about any concerns or issues you are having.

2023 Board Members:

Teddy Schell (President)
Tim Horning (Vice President)
Ela Perry (Treasurer)
John Maginot (Secretary)
Sam Hilson (Communication)

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Meeting Notes – 19 June 2023

  • Meeting Agenda – Monday, June 19, 2023
  • Call to Order – 6:32 pm Teddy Schell
    • Roll Call
      • Board
        • Teddy Schell – President
        • Tim Horning – Vice President (absent)
        • Ela Perry – Treasurer
        • John Maginot – Secretary
        • Sam Hilson – Communications
        • Committee Members
          • None Present
        • Residents
          • Joti Locker – 3013 Grand Lake Way, Huntsville AL
  • Ongoing Board Business
    • Legal review of covenants – board path forward
      • Covered the interpretation of the covenants.
      • “Total association vote” to be interpreted as “total population of legitimately cast votes”
    • ALM accident update
      • No updates
    • Lakewall project update
      • Turn the project over to Elite, recoup the money. The contractor is not responsive and has made no progress.
    • Clubhouse pool light installation, door repair update
      • Pool light has been installed and is functional. Angle will be readjusted.
      • New GFI Outlets installed at clubhouse
  • Treasurer
    • Financial Update
      • Ela Perry Reviewed budget.
      • 6x HOA members that are substantially past due on dues payments
        • One member on payment plan making progress
        • One member egregious violator, has made little to no progress on fines and other dues
        • Requested other delinquent members to pay debt within the next year. If no progress is made penalties will be assessed and potential legal action will be taken. Certified mail will be used to serve paperwork to delinquent residents.
  • Communications
    • Amendment vote update – communication plan, path forward
      • Move forward to with budget pass.
      • Given the new voting interpretations of the covenants we will likely refine the requested amendment changes
    • Pool cleaning schedule – how to inform residents
      • Pool cleaning schedule is not published, making pool use unpredictable for residents.
      • Ask the pool committee to confirm with Pool Kings when the pool will be serviced so that a schedule can be published.
  • Resident Concerns
    • Heather Aiello – incident, clubhouse policy concern
      • The party present at the clubhouse did not violate the HOA pool guest policy. The guests of the pool party were not raucous.
      • Pool house form should be revised to include pool house guest policy for signature.
  • Committee Updates
    • Landscaping
      • Sprinkler system is malfunctioning, current solution will be to run the system manually then shut it off.
    • ARC (Mark possibly absent)
    • Social
    • Pool – Pool party report
      • Pool party was very successful.
    • Clubhouse
      • Request for water-absorbent doormats to be purchased for the clubhouse.
    • Playground
  • Additional Board Business
    • Discussion of installation of bubblers/water circulation system in community lake. Budget does not currently support.
    • Compliance and violation issues:
      • Parking violations: Some neighbors are upset that parking is being enforced, some are upset that parking is not being enforced.
      • Floodlights and other bright lights around the lake and throughout the neighborhood are a nuisance to many neighbors in the house.
  • Adjourned – Called at 7:47 pm

Meeting Notes – 19 June 2023 Read More »