- Call to order: 18:33 Teddy Schell
- Roll
- Board
- Teddy
- Ela
- Sam
- Committee
- Mark
- Board
- Status of Lake repair
- New Era Update
- The contractor is waiting for the initial payment to get started
- Loan Update
- The loan paperwork is in for the loan
- Try to finalize the vote and talk to Elite about how much we need for the majority
- New Era Update
- Financial Update
- Net Income: $6175
- Check $14325
- Savings $10267
- Utility bills are still very high
- Resident Time (As needed)
- No Residents were present
- Committee Updates (As needed)
- Landscaping
- Dead trees on the corner need to be removed
- Arc Complaints should be forwarded to compliance@grandlakehoa.com
- Social
- Looking into combing with Kathy Smiths Christmas functions
- Landscaping
- Additional Board Business
- Vote for removal of current Secretary thru By-Laws Section 6
- All in favor of removing the Secretary
- Send a notice to Steve Lowder
- Alabama Pool King’s early chemical buy program
- All in favor
- The pool table is now removed
- Playground update
- All purchases are complete and the build starts tomorrow
- Vote for removal of current Secretary thru By-Laws Section 6
- Adjourn: 8:00 pm